zaterdag 13 april 2013

De basiliek

Elke zaterdag is er om 17 uur Choral Even Song in de Nicolaaskerk, die nu Sint-Nicolaasbasiliek heet. Er zingt een Engels pubermeisjeskoor, het Girls' Choir of Southwell Minster. In het kader van het likken van de wonden is het fijn daar naar toe te gaan.

Mooi toepasselijk op alles is hun psalm 69.
1. Save me, O God, and that with speed / because the waters do / So very nigh my soul proceed, and enter thereinto
2. I sink full deep in mire and clay, / where I can feel no ground, / And in deep waters, where I may most suddenly be drowned.
 3. With crying I am weary, 1o, / my throat is hoarse and dry, My sight doth fail, looking also / for help to God on high.
4. My foes that guiltless do oppress / my soul, with hate are led; / In number sure they are no less / than hairs upon my head.
5. Though for no cause they vex me sore, / they prosper and are glad; / they do compel me to restore / the things I never had.
And so on and so on.

En dat klinkt zo:

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